About Us

Pleasant View Housing Society was established in 1980 to build and operate a care facility on municipally owned land in the 7500 block of Hurd St. in Mission. The Society took over responsibility for the care of residents in a home first operated by the District of Mission and then by the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 57.  Once the new 75-bed Pleasant View Care Home was opened in 1981 the former home was demolished and Pleasant View Apartments was built in its place (1989), providing 41 apartments with rents based on income.

In 1992, a 19-bed Special Care Unit called Memory Lane was added to Pleasant View Care Home to care for those who had difficulty with memory, perception or intuition.  To help these cognitively impaired residents feel at home, and to establish “landmarks” within the unit, a number of murals were commissioned. These assisted in creating a “homelike”  and “backyard” ambience, rather than an institutional feel.

Two murals, seen in the photos here, can be found in the common hallway that lead to the Park Side dining room. Portions of the murals, painted by Cheryl Fortier and Lynn Pajunen, formed an integral part of the care and treatment program at Pleasant View Care Home and are preserved here.

Portions of the murals painted by Cheryl Fortier and Lynn Pajunen

In April 2014, Pleasant View Care Home closed, residents were moved into a new facility, and a major renovation project got underway. In 2015, the Society, in partnership with Fraser Health Authority, opened Pleasant View Campus of Care for adults with mental health concerns. Updating the building meant the murals were going to be destroyed. When the Society recognized this, they cut four sections of the walls away to salvage and preserve them.

Now framed, two can be viewed at the Mission Museum and these two displayed here are at Pleasant View Campus of Care. We offer the preservation of  these murals to honor the Municipality, the Legion, the many staff and volunteers, and in memory of Mission residents who called Pleasant View their home.

Board Members

Sue Gillies
Sue Gillies
Sue joined the Board in 2006 as a family representative. Now Sue is the Society’s president and has been since 2011. Sue says she loves being able to volunteer and enjoys every minute. And frankly we are glad she does because she bring a wonderful commitment, a true sense of caring and a very thoughtful approach in all her contributions to her post.
Sandra Marshall
Sandra Marshall
Sandra joined the Board in 2014 and states she is proud to be part of an association that improves lives by providing safe, supportive and affordable housing. Sandra always brings a valued attention to detail to her post as a Board Executive. But also spirited with a wonderful sense of humour, laughter is always not far behind making the Board activity a pleasure. Sandra is also on the board of other non-profit housing societies, including the Mission and District Senior Citizens Housing Association and Mission Association for Seniors Housing of which Pleasant View Housing Society is a member.
Chris King
Chris King
Chris has been a Pleasant View Board of Director since 2015. With many years of experience supporting and advocating for people with mental and physical challenges, Chris brings her insight to providing solutions to individuals with housing needs. Focused on supporting quality of life for those in Pleasant View’s care, Chris is a true asset as a Board Director.
William Campbell
William Campbell
William Campbell, a semi-retired pharmacist and previous business owner, brings a wealth of business experience and an intimate understanding of the health concerns many of our clients face. This coupled with his true commitment to the work we do, William’s role as a Board Executive is appreciated and valued.
Dr. Nicole Landgraf
Dr. Nicole Landgraf
Dr. Nicole Landgraf came to Mission a few years back and is raising a young family of four with her husband. Nicole stated she joined the Board for some “adult time”. Attentive and always providing meaningful input, Nicole always brings respectful laughter to the Board meetings. Nicole provides a treasure trove of ideas and with her young spirit only a mother of four young children can have. Thanks Nicole!
Stephen Pomeroy
Stephen Pomeroy
Stephen Pomeroy joined the Board in 2019 as an individual who cares about the clients we serve. As a chartered professional accountant and business owner, Stephen brings added value to the board’s financial oversight responsibilities.
Denyse Tavener
Denyse Tavener
Denyse Tavener joined the Board in June 2022.
Denyse was born in England, a world traveler, she came to Mission in 1994 and made it her home. Denyse eventually obtained two master’s degrees – one in Curriculum and Instruction and a second in Library and Information Studies. A teacher at heart, Denyse is well known for her wit, positive energy and outstanding contributions to her community as a volunteer. She is a recipient of the Mission Community Service Award for her dedication to the city. We are delighted to have Denyse on our Board as she continues to have impact in making Mission a better place to live.
Linda Pipe
Linda Pipe
Linda was a Registered Nurse for over 50 years, retiring in 2014. She worked at Mission Mental Health for over 40 years in a number of areas, finishing her career in Residential Care. During that time, Linda served on the BC Nurses’ Council as the elected Chair for the Fraser Valley Region. After retiring, Linda served as one of the trustees for the BC Nurses’ Union Retiree Benefit as well as a Director for Seniors First BC. She has been married to her husband for 54 years and has three daughters and seven grandchildren.
Like to become a board member?
Like to become a board member?
Submit your resume and letter of interest to applyto@PVHS.ca and we will be in touch to discuss further with you.
In Memory – Wendy Wenberg
In Memory – Wendy Wenberg
A long-time pillar of the Pleasant View Board, Wendy Wenberg is happily remembered for her unprecedented commitment and for her governance contributions. For those of us who knew her, we can’t help but bring a smile to our face followed by a little giggle as we reflect. Wendy always brought an enjoyable wit and a sense of humour to her post. Thank you Wendy, you are missed!